Monday, October 3, 2011

Whale diaper and wetbag

Here it is... my first effort at sewing cloth diapers! This one-size adjustable diaper is made of navy blue waterproof polyurethane laminate and a fun cotton print, and is lined with super-wicking suedecloth.

The wetbag is a small one, sized just right for a single diaper when we're on the go. Cotton on the outside, waterproof fabric on the inside.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wedding album

The wedding album is finally done! We had hundreds of photos to sort through, so it took a while to get it all together.

Click here to view this photo book larger

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Autumn cookies

One of the hard parts about living in California is not getting to watch the leaves turn. I miss autumn, therefore must console myself with cookies.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sailboat cake

Tim's birthday cake. Not the best pictures... these are from the iPhone.

This cake has seven-minute frosting instead of buttercream, which is a real pain in the butt when it comes to getting things smooth. It likes to slump quite a bit.

With the exception of its mast, the sailboat is edible (thought not tasty)... made from royal icing and wafer paper.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Crib skirt

A box-pleat bed skirt for the crib. I made it out of a cheap twin sheet.

Nursery chair

I rehabbed an old Ikea chair of Tim's for the nursery. It doesn't rock, but it's kind of bouncy. I wish I'd taken a "before" picture... it looked like the photo, except the cover was super dirty and faded. The frame was kinda scratched in places, but in good condition.

I disassembled the pads and tossed the black fabric. Then I made a new cushion from red canvas and the previous cushion's foam rubber and cotton batting. It is kinda stiff-looking, but hopefully will loosen up once it's been sat on for a while.

Before (from IKEA website):


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Baby wipes

A boring but practical project. Double-layer cotton flannel wipes for poopy little butts.

Since we're planning to use cloth diapers, we'll already be doing tons of gross laundry, so I figured we might as well use cloth wipes as well.

I made about 5 dozen of these guys.

Baby blanket

This is my first crochet project: a little blanket for a little Bertram.

It's about 36" square.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bookcase on legs

Made from an IKEA bookcase and table legs. I painted the legs white, then Tim bolted them to the bookcase for me.

+ =

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nursery mural

We shamelessly copied this idea and most of the layout from these people's Flickr stream: Not very creative of us, but I really loved their mural and it seemed better to try to replicate it than to make an original design from scratch.

First we painted the walls blue on top and white on bottom, then added the green hills. Tim scanned the images from the original storybooks, then assembled them in Adobe Illustrator. He then set up his laptop with a projector and traced everything out on the walls.

We both painted it in (with canine helpers, as shown in last photo in top row) using sample-size jars of custom-mixed interior paint from Home Depot. Finally, we used matte black paint markers to add the outlines and detail.

The process:

The finished mural:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cherry pie

This is a different kind of pie with a cookie-like crust. It turned out pretty tasty.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bunny quilt

This is my first attempt at making a full-size quilt. I am using four of the purple fabrics from Tula Pink's "Full Moon Forest" line. I bought them a few years ago so am really glad to finally put them to use. This is the finished piecing, will post another picture once I do the actual quilting. For some reason, the bright white fabric looks really yellowish and dingy in these photos.


Close-up of front:
